A Little DABS Will Do Ya!
Welcome to the Detroit Association of Black Storytellers (D.A.B.S). Our mission is to preserve the oral tradition of the African and African American Diaspora folklore, history, culture, and heritage. Oral tradition is defined as verbally teaching, informing, and entertaining. D.A.B.S. is a non-profit organization located in Detroit, Michigan. To learn more about DABS, please feel free to contact us 313-442-3227 or email us detroitabs@gmail.com.
A Little DABS Will Do Ya!
DABS 4th Friday Story Hour S3:E8: "Que and Tell"...The Men on the Grill
Welcome to Season 3's Grand Finale...featuring:
Your Host and Storyteller Mr. Tone Ross
The Sensational Larry Castleberry and
Master Storyteller, Ivory Williams
Whether you've been with us since the beginning or recently discovered our show, we appreciate your support.
As we've come to the close of season 3, we're diligently working on something new for season 4. So ya'll come back now...hear!
Thank you!!!
The Detroit Association of Black Storytellers (DABS)